Contact CNAP

Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain
Department of Health Science and Technology
Faculty of Medicine
Aalborg University
Selma Lagerløfs vej 249
DK-9260 Gistrup
MapsIndoors AAU makes it easier to locate and find your way in AAU’s many buildings and surrounding areas. Similarly to Google Maps you can use the service to guide you right to the specific conference room, office, auditorium or other location you are going to.
MapsIndoors AAU can be accessed both from a computer (in Danish) or from your mobile phone when you are on the go. The mobile app can be downloaded from both the Android and IOS App Store under the name ‘AAU Map’
Rejseplanen (plan your journey, in Danish)
NT (information about public transport in Northern Denmark, in Danish)
Visit Aalborg (hotels, tourist information etc.)
Dantaxi (call +45 48 48 48 48)