CNAP Ph.D. Candidates
On this page, we give an overview of the candidates who obtained a Ph.D. degree from CNAP. As we speak more than 20 Ph.D. candidates obtained a degree from CNAP
Mauricio Henrich
Spinal temporal and spatial integration of multiple nociceptive input assessed by the Nociceptive Withdrawal Reflex in humans
Felipe Rettore Andreis
Advancing Peripheral Nerve Interfaces in a Large Animal Model
Armita Faghani Jadidi
Towards Understanding the Neurobiological Effects of Modulated Tens
Giulia Erica Aliotta
Characterization and modulation of histaminergic and non-histaminergic itch
Daniele Riccio
Heat stimulation as a modulatory tool for the histaminergic and non-histaminergic itch
Sebastian Kold Sørensen
Modulating the somatosensory system using high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation
Lea Tøttrup
Functional Cortical Changes in an Animal Model of Neuropathic Pain
Rosa Hugosdottir
Preferential Electrical Stimulation of Small Nociceptive Fibers and Induction of Secondary Hyperalgesia
Ali Asghar Zarei
Modulation of Sensory Perceptions and Cortical Responses Following TENS
Aida Hejlskov Poulsen
Utilizing computational modeling in the design of a new electrode for preferential activation of small cutaneous nerve fibers
Rocco Giordano
Epigenetic and Proteomic Signatures for Chronic Pain Patients after Total Knee Replacement
Taha Janjua
Interfacing the Pig Cortex - Towards a Translational Large Animal Model of LTP-Like Pain
Line Bay Sørensen
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) induced muscle hyperalgesia and evoked pain in healthy humans
Megan Elizabeth McPhee
Temporal Changes in Pro-nociceptive and Anti-nociceptive Mechanisms in relation to the Experience of Low Back Pain: Evidence from Experimental and Clinical Models
Maria Galve Villa
Assessment of spatiotemporal changes of pain and sensory perceptions using digital health technology
Victor Domenech-Garcia
Modulation of Pressure-Induced Pain Distribution due to Prolonged Experimental Pain and Prior Trauma
Enrico De Martino
Cortical Neuroplasticity Provoked by Muscle Pain and Non-Invasive Cortical Modulation of Pain-Induced Neuroplasticity
Morten Høgh
Provoking the Plasticity of Descending Modulation in Healthy Humans: Temporal and Cognitive Influences on Conditioned Pain Modulation (CPM)
Dennis B Larsen
Probing and modulating pain-induced corticomotor excitability reduction by engaging premotor cortex activity in humans